Really? I thought Gotham was also on the northeastern coast, but maybe they have changed that in recent years.
erm... you know... you're right. I was basing my assumption on Batman Returns (the 2nd movie) and the fact that it's a place where crime reigns, which as I understand is reminiscent of Chicago during the prohibition.

But.... they've pretty much placed Gotham all over the map anyway. So, um, let's pretend it's where Chicago is in this universe. *lol* In any event, he would not have gotten there instantaneously - it's all that counts.

As for another story soon... you might get your wish. I have more than half of "G" written at this time. I *may* be able to finish it tonight. laugh

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies