Lois started to walk around the car when the back door was harshly flung open. A middle-aged man stepped out of the car, his face was eerily void of emotion. “Ms. Lane. Could I persuade you to join me? You have something that belongs to me.”

She started to turn around when she felt a sharp pain in her arm and then her eyes seemed to lose focus and her vision began to swim. “What do you... think you’re...” Lois stumbled forward and braced herself against the car with one hand. She was in trouble. “Supe...”
No, no, no, no, no!!

They must still need her for something – or she still had something that they wanted.
What does she have? The notes that she put in her journal?

“Cute,” the man with the dark hair continued, “But we aren’t strangers, Ms. Lane. This is Dr. Peterson. I believe you know him quite well, actually.”
Wicked doctor.

I would have had the bumbling idiot that my employer sent to your apartment last night do it.”
Who is the employer? The plot thickens.

Nice part, DJ and Sue.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~