Ooooh! You posted!! laugh

Clark took the stairs at Lois’s building two at a time, without waiting for Henderson. He couldn’t explain it but he just had this feeling...
Yeah, and I have this feeling that you're not going to find her there. I wonder how I know... wink *lol*

Clark could hear Henderson huffing as he came around the corner behind him and Clark turned to face him. “Geez, Kent. I need to have you give lessons to some of the donut-eaters down at the...”
ROFL!!! Even if he did, it would do them no good. Love that you put this in there, the irony is just too much fun.

She was in trouble. “Supe...”
Oh!!!! Couldn't you have let her finish that sentence? *lol* You mean queens of evil, you! wink

Why wasn’t she calling for him?
Because DJ & Sue have put her in mortal danger, that's why. wink ....and we're all sitting here on the edge of our seats, biting out finger nails to the bone, hoping Clark finds her!!

Why couldn’t he hear her?
Because DJ & Sue.... ah, you get the idea. *lol*

For all he knew, she could already be dead.
Nahhh! Relax, they're evil, but not THAT evil. smile1

“I said I want out,” the older-looking man said angrily.
Bill Church, is it? I'm all confused by these men with no names. smirk

“Oh, no, Ms. Lane. Superman is the last person I want here. In fact, we’re a little over forty feet below ground down here... and we have sound-proofing in place – I doubt even the Man of Steel could hear you scream.”
grumble splat

No, I’m quite sure the journal won’t contain anything of use to me.
Lucky he doesn't think so, 'cause I think the journal states that Clark is Superman, doesn't it? Eh. Sometimes criminals are just too stupid for their own good! wink

Clark winced. Not the person he wanted to see right now.
Yeah... I could have done without Dan for the rest of this story as well. *lol*

AH! You girls better get back and get Lois out of there!! A-plot is nice, don't get me wrong - I *love* a good A-plot, but enough is enough already! Save her! And get her back with Clark. Nooooow!!! *lol*

Great part, btw. smile I know I haven't said so, but I did think so. smile (now get back and fix this!)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies