Hello everyone! Thanks so much for the fdk!

Hi Babsi! Her journal? Well, remember, when she thought she heard someone climbing up her fire escape, she shoved it under the cushion of her loveseat. <g> So maybe it's still there... Thank you for the fdk! Glad you're so anxious for the next part. <g>

Hi Cristina! I'm so glad you're back and I see you've posted more fdk later, so I'll just say thank you and address your comments when I get to them. <g>

Hi Jackie! Sorry it didn't make you feel any better... the next part probably won't either. Eeek! But thanks for the fdk Jackie! <DJ ducks and runs away...>

Hi Symbolic. Thanks! Glad you're on the edge of your seat. smile

Hi Lara! I'm glad you enjoyed the donut-eaters thing with Henderson. <g> Glad I'm not the only one who smiled. smile Biting your nails to the bone? Ouch! Hope those heal up in time for the next part. goofy

Nahhh! Relax, they're evil, but not THAT evil. [Smiley]
We're not??? <g>

Oh no, We've lost our avid A-plot follower. smile You're gonna have to hang on through one more a-plot intensive part. <g> Thanks for the fdk Lara!

Hi Carolm! LOL - the rest? Well, most of it has been written, but it's still being tweaked. <g> Not sure how long it will be before the next part, but thank you for the fdk!

Hi Laura! Thanks for the fdk. We'll try not to leave her hanging there too long. goofy

Hi BJ! Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, who can argue with Superman? <g> Hmmm, yes, Mindy, she's an interesting character, isn't she? Hmmm, I don't know about Dr. Klein and his critical piece of info though... guess you'll have to wait and see... <g>

Hi Tank! True, there are all those nasty memories that Lois doesn't remember right now... but there are also all those lovely memories from the past couple of days - not to mention Clark begging her and proposing to her... Hmmm... I'm so glad you're enjoying it. And I totally snorted when I read the tag after your name. Clark really would be in trouble then. <g> Thanks Tank!

Hi Ann! Yes, she will probably remember the lunkheaded things... but she will remember all the good things too... I think. <DJ almost faints> Ann! "Good a-plot"? Woo-hoo! What a compliment coming from such an avid b-plotter. <g> Thanks. Okay, you just gave me blanket permission to do my worse in part 22... and yes, I'm afraid there is a little "worse" to come. <g> Ooooh, and how interesting that you point out a conspiracy theory about the number 23. goofy Thanks for the fdk, Ann!!!

Hi Laura S! I'm so glad we've got you on the edge of your seat! Ooooh, you are equally excited for both the a and b plots? <DJ does happy dance> Yes, I feel that's quite an accomplishment. Thank you and thanks for that fdk!

Hi Cristina! You came back! Oh, whew, glad we're forgiven. smile I love what you posted - reminding everyone that Lois would remember "EVERYTHING" not just what she had previously lost, but everything that's happened the past week. That is so very true... so I won't prove you wrong... for now anyway... goofy

I'm not sure when part 22 is coming - thanks to everyone though for asking about it and letting us know how much you want to see it. Yay! Thanks again so much to everyone for all the fdk and comments!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.