Why wasn’t she calling for him?

Because DJ & Sue have put her in mortal danger, that's why. ....and we're all sitting here on the edge of our seats, biting out finger nails to the bone, hoping Clark finds her!!

Why couldn’t he hear her?

Because DJ & Sue.... ah, you get the idea. *lol*

For all he knew, she could already be dead.

Nahhh! Relax, they're evil, but not THAT evil. smile1
What can I add after Lara pointed this out? Well, I guess I can agree with Tank, too:

I think what the gentle readers are forgetting is that if Lois gets all her memories back, it might not be that great for Clark.

All his stupid lunkhead actions of the recent past are going to be remembered, and I imagine, not too fondly by Lois.
Yes, all those lunkheaded things will be remembered by Lois, and not too fondly, I suppose. But when Lois gives the whole thing a little more thought, she will no doubt see that her good memories of Clark definitely outnumber the bad ones. Scardino, Lois? I don't think so.

Like everybody pointed out, very good a-plot. Personally, I thought it was interesting that Dr. Peterson didn't want to help kill Lois, at least. Maybe he can redeem himself somewhat before it's too late.

Okay, do your worst in part 22 so you can bring on the warm fuzzies in part 23! (23? 23? Isn't there a new movie with Jim Carrey which says that the number 23 is the mother of all conspiracies and curses? shock )
