<shrinks in, flops down on chair, bites lip, begins typing>

Hello, everyone!

I'm sososososososo sorry for dropping off the face of the planet like I have! My classes have been craaaazy, and I tell you--I could whine about it all day. Instead, I'm sitting down to check on this for the first time in days--or is it weeks, now!?--and then I'm going to start <grimaces> . . . yes, I'm sad to admit it--*start* writing the next chapter.

I *hope* to have it done in a few days, or maybe in a week . . . <sighs and shakes fist at sky>. I really do wish school would settle down right now, if only for five minutes!

I really do apologize for the break in my usual posting schedule. I hope you can all forgive me!

Sorry for making anyone worry. I really am quite well, except for being severely sleep-deprived and so stressed out that my muse is being much more flighty than usual. But it will go on!

Only a little longer, after all, and finals will be very nicely out of the way.

Thanks for your understanding. Again, I apologize for the wait!
