Originally posted by DSDragon:

As for the Pokémon thing, my dad doesn't like my brother to watch the show because it promotes cruelty to animals and training animals to fight.

ETA: By the way, when I first saw the name of your character Dominique, I thought it was a female character, since the male version is usually spelled "Dominic" or "Dominick," and is pronounced "dom-in-ick."

I might even go so far as "Dominiq," if I was trying to be unique, but adding the "ue" makes it pronounced "dom-in-eek," which is definitely a female name.
Oh, that's interesting. I didn't realize that! I guess I was influenced by some of the history books that I read - I had the impression that Dominique was a (typically French) male name.

I suppose it didn't help matters any that the current French Prime minister (a male) is named Dominique. I'll have to be more careful about choosing names in the future.