wildguy What??? Is this or is this not the son of Lois Lane??

“Jonathan, can you answer the question that I just posed to the class?” Mr. Dinsmore asked.

“You mean to say that you don’t remember your own birth date?” the history teacher asked, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
Jonathan: "No I mean I wasn't listening. As for my date of birth, that is under the law private data that you as My teacher are required by law to respect. It doesn't matter if every newspaper in the world prints it. And if I were not your student you could legally discuss it, but I AM YOUR student and as such YOU ARE bound by the law. So are you planning on discussing my GPA? or perhaps my score on the last few quizes? By the way would you care to discuss with the class your date of birth? Your bank account number or perhaps how much you get paid? After all if I'm fair game how about you? After all if I am a" Two finger gesture, "quote Public figure unquote" Two finger gesture "because I'm related to Superman then as my teacher you are as much a public figure. That make you and your entire life fair game"

"I can picture it now in the National Tattler, "Is this man qualified to teach Superman's son? After all so many of the folks who've gone postal have turned out to have Teachers who treated them badly. So perhaps they should be concerned that you will tramatize me so that when I grow up the world will have to contend with a super powered madman going postal?"

Of course being Lois's son he will sometimes babble...
