Lol, Framework4, I hadn't even thought of that! Although, I don't think that a son of Clark's would be so "in your face", regardless of his being Lois's son too. Maybe a daughter, though, given that society tends to be a bit male dominated. But that's a great idea!

And to Queen of the Capes: Yeah, the criminal was Daniel Scardino. This was another attempt to make the world more realistic - after all, you don't just go breaking into places and not get in to trouble with the law! I always thought that Lois was *incredibly* tolerant of Scardino during S2. I mean geez, breaking into her apartment? The vast majority of women would have called the cops on him!

I never liked the Scardino character much - especially considering that he was a DEA agent, he was far too contemptuous of the law. It was kind of a weird combination. On the other hand, I loved the Mayson Drake character - "Do you have a license to chase down criminals? Do you read them their rights?" LOL!

I figured that since I already had Clark getting a green card to make himself appear more normal to the rest of the world, he should get a license to pursue criminals as well.