Good news!!

I was probably not going to be able to post tomorrow due to a massive test and the fact that I haven't worked on this chapter since last Saturday. However, as I sat down to work on an essay and got appropriately distracted, I started reading through what I had written and realized it was practically complete, and not even that rough.

So, I pleasantly can announce that, contrary to earlier beliefs, chapter forty should be up within the next 24-25 hours, after I finish this essay, grab a few hours of sleep, go to work, go to school, cram for a couple hours, and then take a Test of Doom that should keep me busy until I can rush home, start recording the new episode of Smallville (my #1 guilty secret laugh ), and then rush into my room to get to work on posting (and hope I can snag my sister to do a quick proofreading for me).

Hehee. Not that you really wanted to hear all that, so ignore whatever isn't important (which is about 90% of what I just wrote).

Meh. Anyway, I hope you all have a good day. See you tomorrow!
