I shouldn't read this now. I'm exhausted, it's late, I should be in bed, and if I'm going to read a fic, there are others that I am behind on FDKing... but I can't, just can't, shut down my computer knowing there is a new chapter of DD sitting in here that I haven't read!

Lois turned down the volume and grabbed her laptop, snatching her laptop and getting into the internet. In a moment she had typed in the familiar address of supermanrescues.com, and the homepage popped up, bearing a massive, strong, and highly attractive close-up shot of Superman from a rescue from some time ago.

Blazing across the top of the page were the letters “SUPERMAN RETURNS,” and beneath that “Back to Earth, Back to Work.” There was no prying article as might be expected, but instead beneath that there was a small counting box.

“Rescues (For the last 24 hours):
117 reported and catalogued.
Lives saved: approximately 54.
Last updated: Sunday, 6:00 ET.”
This is a brilliant idea, Rachel. Of *course* there would be a website for Supes stats!

“Oh, Kal-El,” she let out a long breath. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Such a great role reversal.

Then why did the fact that the key was gone shake Lois so soundly?
I love that you infused so much emotion and meaning into this little, tiny event. You don't even answer the question, but we know the answer anyway: it's because Lois realizes that Clark has lost something - a piece of that beautiful innocent naivte is gone forever.

a very Russian copy of Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov
As if it could be just a little bit Russian! *g* I loved the whole bookshelf scene in general.

While Lois was in the middle of an excavation under Kent’s bathroom sink, the phone rang. She swore and started, knocking her head sharply against the pipes.
Well, no one ever could say that Lois wasn't thorough! smile

You did so well at putting the reader right in Lois' head during her internal arguement over the journal and her first realizations about the depths of Clark's experience and character. Great job.

Wonderful chapter, Rachel!


lisa in the sky with diamonds