Let's see, the Scarlet Pimpernel was the name used by an English nobleman who was working undercover to spirit French nobles away from the guillotine during the French revolution, and the woman he loved more than almost anything nearly left him because she didn't understand why he was acting so weird. She even tried to horn in on his act and help some French nobles herself and nearly got killed over it. He had to save her.

Parallels, anyone?

Really, Rachel, this is an excellent chapter. I also loved where Lois was when Clark's mother called. Lois of fandom seems to have this propensity to break into Clark's apartment and root around in his life. I wonder if she'll end up disappointed by what she's learned, and by what she doesn't know that she knows just yet.

How long will she wait for Kal-El? How hard will she bust his chops when he does show up, or will she try to be all lovey-dovey and tender? (Wait - Lois Lane, lovey-dovey and tender? Yikes.) But what if he doesn't show at her place and just goes home and somehow figures out that someone was in his apartment messing around with his stuff? Will he assume that Lois was the intruder? And how might he (Clark) react? Will he laugh or cry or just sigh "That's my Lois" and never mention it to her and add one more handbag to the load of emotional luggage they're hauling around?

These two are dancing around each other like aroused porcupines on land mines. I can hardly wait to see how you resolve all this excellent tension between them.

So where's the next chapter? And how much longer are you going to yank our chains here?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing