Rachel, I've also run out of superlatives. I'm glad Clark feels better, and I'm glad he's stuttering less. I'm glad Lois is starting to give him the time of day (although she may clock him for leaving her the next time she sees him). And I'm glad that their relationship seems to be moving forward, even if it's in fits and starts.

But poor Melinda! I wonder if Luthor (assuming that was him on the phone) actually had her husband in the room with him, or was it all a huge bluff? After all, she didn't hear anyone react to being shot. Although Luthor would certainly shoot a hostage if he thought it would get him what he wanted.

You've managed to turn the screws once again, Rachel, and with great skill. Please don't let us linger in darkness without dreams for very long. This is definitely one of the better stories I've seen for quite some time.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing