“FLASH BACK! Superhero Hits Metropolitan Streets.”
Oh, that's funny! Perfectly reasonable assumption but completely unexpected.

Part of him was certainly glad to go, though. Being around Luthor made him feel physically ill. His hands were shaking slightly as he walked towards the coffeemakers, and his brow was slightly damp from sweat., and he didn’t think it was entirely from his thoughts of telling Lois.
I bet there's K in that new radiation Luthor mentioned.

“It could all be arranged, Lois,” Lex said softly.
Aagh. Choke me with a spoon.

He needed sunlight, but the clouds hadn’t parted since his return to Metropolis.
Darn weather.

OMG! I just had a thought, and it's completely out of left field, but... What if Lex is using that K radiation (assuming it contains K) for some other reason than illness? Like he's trying to become a superhero or a weapon in his own right? /me shudders.

“I knew you couldn’t have figured something out that I didn’t if we were on a level playing field.
Egotistical much, Lois?

“Running, Kent? Somehow I just can’t picture that.”
Um, have you looked at this man, Lois? He's built! He has to do some form of exercize!

Great chapter, Smirky. smile

lisa in the sky with diamonds