He would trust her, even with his own soul. And then when she called for him at night, he could come. He wouldn’t have to hide any more.

And maybe . . .

Maybe she’d just look at him, and take his hand and draw him close and murmur his name. Clark.

And he wouldn’t be alone anymore.
sad How sad! Poor Clark.

“Do you mind, Kent? Or in small towns do they not have a word for ‘private conversations’?”

Clark flushed and adjusted his glasses. “I’m . . . s-sorry, Lois.”

The apology just made Lois’s eyes narrow further. She was practically shooting daggers at him.

“Go get me some coffee. No cream, one sugar,” Lois ordered.
I’m beginning to question his reasons for wanting to be with her. She treats him like a dog. I’m a big Lois fan, but I must confess, that in this part, Lois is making me hate her. mad

“You know, what if Lex Luthor was the Boss behind Bureau 39? The man certainly has the money and means, and money in the underground means power. It probably wouldn’t have been too hard for him to slip those men in jail a little poison. And if you were right about him and all the other criminal activities you think he’s been up to, then he certainly has motive to support a group against Superman.”
They don’t realize that they are in the same book, let alone the same page.

“Right,” Lois said, flipping through her papers. “I knew you couldn’t have figured something out that I didn’t if we were on a level playing field. I mean, you had to have more information than I did, right? And you might have good instincts, but you just don’t have as much experience as I do. I wouldn’t miss something this big that was right under my nose.”
Maybe if your nose wasn’t so high in the air you wouldn’t miss the fact that your beloved hero is sitting right in front of you.

“Why didn’t he tell me, if he knew? I would have believed him. ”
wildguy That #&%#@*!*&!!!!!! Come on, let me at her! (I need one of DJ's chainsaws!)

“Are you limping?”

Clark stiffened slightly, and the limp that had been becoming more pronounced vanished. He flushed. “Uh…well…It’s really okay, Lois.”

“What did you do?”

Clark swallowed. “I went running last night. I guess I…took it a little too hard.”

Lois gave him an odd look. “Running, Kent? Somehow I just can’t picture that.”
I guess Lois only takes the blinders off for special occasions, huh?

Sorry if I'm a little too harsh on Lois. I guess you can say that I had a bad day and am taking my frustration out on a fictional character.

But hey, if this story is driving me to frustration then you know you're doing something right!

Keep up the good work! I'm hooked!

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.