Okay, so there were some marvelous reviews for this last chapter. Thank you all so very much for the time you put into them--it really is greatly appreciated. Sorry I haven't had as much time to respond this time . . . to tell you the truth, I've been following MetroRhode's council from the last chapter's FDKs and taking that time to write, instead . . .

Which means that I just surprised myself by sitting down and finishing writing the rest of chapter 36. And even more surprising: it's almost 9000 words long--certainly the longest chapter I've written so far!

So the question is: what would you guys give me if I posted it, say, tomorrow, instead of Thursday?

<scratches head> No, wait. That wasn't the question I was looking for. The question really is, would you be *wanting* this extra-long, super chapter given to you tomorrow, even at the risk that I might not be able to get another one out until next Saturday or even later?

Ready, set, VOTE!

<sits back to watch the games begin>
