Yay! My last test of the week is finished with a lovely ending hovering around 93%. It's not perfect, but I am content, after such a week as this!

Just wondering, do you have any idea how close you are to finishing this story i.e. do you know where you want to stop, or is it still chapter-to-chapter?

Do I really want to answer this question? Can I answer this question without sounding very, very disorganized and irresponsible? No, I don't think so.

I'll answer it anyway.

I'm still riding pretty much with the wind here. I have in sight the ending for which I'm aiming, but it's still quite distant, and to tell you the truth...I'd *guess* that I am a little over halfway done....

But, of course, I'm not sure. That could change one way or another quite drastically, knowing myself. I just stand on my disclaimer I posted with my first chapter:

Hello, all. I’ve been following the ff writing around here and around the ‘net in general for some time, but I’ve never been brave enough to actually sit down and dedicate a fair portion of my life to working on my own. I know how long-winded I am and how prone I am to jump off cliffs at the slightest whiff of a good plot, and I’ve been (heaven forbid!) afraid of the commitment I know is necessary to actually stick with it until the end. Just this Monday evening past I decided to put aside all qualms and head into the fray quite blindly. So here I go.
So there you are. You were warned well beforehand that this fic may get very out of hand when it came to length. thumbsup

Is that a good or a bad thing? huh I hope it's a good thing, for all my lovely readers and reviewers out there...

Anyway, the next chapter should be up within the next two hours at most. I hope you all enjoy it!


[edit]Never mind. It took surprisingly little time to edit chapter 35, so there you have it...less than a half an hour later. Go read it and please remember to review, folcs!