Great chapter, Rac! I love you you've captured the ambience of the courtroom, the ebb and flow of the dueling attorneys using the witnesses as weapons to bludgeon each other. And Clark did manage to respond in a manner which preserves both his dignity and the public's perception of his ability to do his job while relating the horrors he was forced to undergo.

And Lois's diary/journal/article/confession/communique was wonderful! You've presented her as a woman who has been on the brink of complete breakdown for quite some time, but since she's found this outlet for her pent-up frustration I think she may be okay. Everyone needs at least one release valve (I know I use fanfic at times) and committing her worst pain to paper (virtually speaking) should work for Lois.

Thanks for the snapshot (pun intended) of Jimmy. He's grown, he's matured, and he's taking care of his own business now. He should be around twenty-five or so by now, so his continued maturity is a natural step.

Clark's examination of his wedding ring was so insightful. He saw the ring as still strong, still powerful, still his tie to home, yet it's damaged and scarred, much as Clark himself is. He's got to wonder just how badly damaged their relationship is, and how hard they'll have to work to repair it, and just how much Lois is willing to work with him. This, combined with the previous chapter's dream about Lois, is an outstanding lead-in to the third part of your excellent trilogy, when they try to work out how to love each other once again. That story is sure to be an angst-fest!

Oh, for the record, I don't begrudge you not reading my WIP while you're working on yours. I know how it can be:

Wow that looks great think I'll read it yeah it was great now I'll work on my story type-type-type-type-type that looks great too ARRGH it's what I just read!

I ask only that you read mine when you're finished with yours. smile

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing