I, too, loved it!

Since I have no time to quote, let me mention a few of my favorite parts. I loved the way you described the two kiss-sequences( wink ):

Lois felt like she was drowning. Dan was kissing her and touching her and before she realized it, they were on the couch together. She vaguely felt the hemline of her dress crawling up her leg and then Dan’s hand on her outer thigh. That was enough to finally snap her out of her thoughts and get her full attention. But before she could reprimand Dan
She doesn't like that she likes what they are doing, and when he goes too far, she just plain doesn't like it. Because she did choose Clark over Dan, didn't she?

Her heart was totally wrapped up in the emotion of the moment. It was loving the feel of his soft lips against hers, the possessive yet gentle strength in his arms and hands as he held her against him protectively, and the heat that was building between their bodies.

Her heart wanted more – demanded more.

And she soon found herself responding to his kiss. Her arms reached behind his back, her hands groping his body passionately as she returned his kiss with fervor. “Oh, Clark,” she whispered softly against his lips.

Clark deepened the kiss, drawing her in tighter against his body. His lips captured hers again and again, until he could hear her panting between kisses. His own breathing had become just as ragged. Her hands scorched his skin wherever they touched him. The taste of her lips and tongue intoxicating him.

He loved her – wasn’t sure he could live with out her. And he was absolutely certain that he couldn’t stand to see her with someone like Scardino.

“I want you,” he murmured breathlessly into her mouth.

Damn he was a good kisser. Lois’s mind swam. His lips were so firm and sure in their movement against hers. Oh, how she wanted this, how she wanted him...
I mean, there's no comparison, is there? Who does she want to kiss, eh? Which of these two guys does she want, plain and simple? Sue, I was about to ask you, now that DJ is away, if you are sure that you don't want to take this into nfic territory? wink

I love how Lois is giving Clark a piece of her mind - just listen to this:

“There is no us, or so I’ve been informed.”

“There is still an us. Or do you no longer consider us to be friends or partners, either?” His voice held just a trace of bitterness.

“Don’t try to put this on me, Clark. I still considered us a couple until I woke up this morning. You’re the one who put an end to that, remember?”

“Do you think I wanted to? Is that what you think? Because I can tell you that...”

“No. I don’t think that’s what you wanted. I think that’s what you decided - all by yourself.”
And this:

“If you really loved me, Clark, you wouldn’t be doing this to me.”

“You don’t...”

“Don’t interrupt me, I’m not through yet.” She hardened her voice a little as she spoke her next words, “You wouldn’t dump me and tell me that we could no longer be together but then constantly keep telling me how much you love me and how much this hurts... and you wouldn’t interfere with me trying to move on... if you really loved me. How can you tell me that we can’t be together and then expect me to just go on like nothing ever happened between us – just go on as your friend? It doesn’t work like that. You’re being selfish, Clark.”

“What?” he exclaimed, jumping up from the couch.

“You heard me. You’re being selfish. You can’t have me or won’t have me, whichever it is, but you don’t want me to be with anyone else either. You can’t have it both ways.”
And this:

“Well, here, let’s see if I can make things simple enough for you. I refuse to stay a spinster for the rest of my life, pining away after someone I can’t have. If you don’t want me, then I’m going to find someone who does. Is that simple and uncomplicated enough for you?”
Yeah!!! Go, Lois!!!

And after that he kissed her - and believe me, I totally approved of that....

Okay, but now consider Lois again. She had to tell Clark how she felt and how he had hurt her. But she knew that her anger and accusations wouldn't fix things:

She knew she wasn’t going to win him over like this – didn’t even know if she cared about winning him over... at least right now.
At that moment she didn't care about winning him over. But later, she did. And I have to say that what she was prepared to give up for him - the knowledge of her own past, for God's sake!!!! - is a most amazing, wonderful sacrifice. Hey, I'm reminded of a sacred, ancient ritual, where you sacrifice something precious to the gods, in the hopes that they will bless you in return. Well, Lois knows that Clark is no god. But, people, I ask you consider this, what she is prepared to give up for him - what she is prepared to trust him with. Her own past. Her personal life history. Wow. I'm speechless. What an amazing gift. How incredibly beautiful.

Lois has, quite simply, given Clark the chance to go back in time and change history. Clark, do you realize what a gift that is? All I can say is - whatever you do, Clark, don't blow it now!!!

Well, waddaya know? I did end up doing a bit of quoting after all. Oh, well. This story sure is worth it!!! smile1
