Thanks, Stuart!!

There are so many threads of care going through this part it makes me feel so warm.
Aw, thanks. I’m glad I could give you that warm feeling.

Poor Los, he's a typical doctor, he does not mind doing the examining but hates being a patient!
Yes, it’s very typical. I once took care of a doctor who came in with a kidney stone and was in severe pain. Well, when he got to feeling a little better, he got up out of bed, pushed his IV down the hall and made rounds.

You've written Zara to be much softer. Her contacts with Clark and now Sapphire have helped.
I figured she might have softened over the years.
And she has made a friend in Sapphire, hasn't she? (Sapphire is based on my own 'stuck up' cat named Sassy Black Sapphire.)

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~