Thanks, Mellie, Ann, and Lara.

Well, I can guess what that 'something' is. Something to do with Rya's 'romantic idea'...
‘Something’ like that....

Zared has some 'romantic ideas' of his own!

She was awed. “~Father? Lord Kal-El is here?~”

Los nodded. “~Yes, of course. This is his home.~”

Her eyes widened. “~Oh.~”
Love that bit. Every time I read this, it had me giggling.
Hehe... And she can’t bring herself to call him anything but Lord Kal-El.

But never being ignored can cause problems, too.~”
Poor guy! No wonder he likes it on Earth!
Yep, can you imagine folks watching everything you do?

First I thought of matching her (Edrika) with Alex, but after ths line I reconsidered. Suddenly, Martian Manhunter seemed to be a fine choice. But Ch'ing is jsut perfect!
Hope so, but I don’t think I’m done with Edrika yet.

Well, neither have Zara and Clark - at least not with each other.
Nope, they haven’t. And they won’t. But...

He also handed her a bottle of Coke.
Always Coca Cola... Sorry, can't get it out of my mind.
Knew you’d like that one.

Yeah, they definitely need chocolate on NK (if Zara didn’t already take care of that).

Edrika said shyly, “~We can talk on the ship.~” Los handed the device to Ch’ing and walked out.
Talk? Or do other 'romantic' stuff?
Talk! Talk! No romantic stuff yet.

Typical now-alpha-formerly-beta-male behaviour, if you ask me.
Yep, and now he’s got to deal with the former alpha really always was the alpha again.

Done again? That's really fast!
Nope, not this time. They’d been at it at least a little while by then.

I just hope K'al hasn't been using his super-hearing when she said that. Then, maybe, it would be better for Los and Mari if he had. Zara might temper K'al's reaction.
I bet K’al’s gonna be MAD!

Definitely 'romantic' notions here. You know, it's a good thing there are no turkeys in this story of yours...

Why on Earth (and New Krypton) do I always associate the term 'caregiver' with a concubine if used by a Kryptonian???
Not this time - not unless it’s some guy thing about a nurse fantasy... I was thinking of a combination of nurse plus some of the other professions around (respiratory therapist, physical therapist etc).

Makes me wonder. Caitlyn doesn't happen to have some latent telepathical potential, does she? Well, if she starts hearing voices in her head, I know what it is...
Well, there are a few humans who have such capabilities...

Looks like Mak already knew about K'al and Rya.
Or at least she knew Los wanted to hide something about that. And maybe something about Mari, too.

I never really thought I’d have sex before I got married, but once I did, I didn’t want to stop.” She grinned dreamily. “It was just so... hmmm...”
Yep, something like that.

Without changing first? Uh-oh! And why does she have to talk to Ben at this time of night? I mean, I know it's big (bad) news that Claire has been raped, but does Ben really have to know at once? Or is it something else?
Chloe feels very close to Ben. Maybe she feels like he could help with what she could say to Claire. Maybe...

I think of Chloe as a "happy girl". It seems to me that she has always been gifted, bright, pretty, well-loved and happy with herself, her life and her existence. I think it has been relatively easy for her to be a "good girl", a relatively obedient girl. I think she has accepted and even liked her parents' rules for her. I think she has found it relatively easy to be there for her younger siblings (and probably for Claire, too). I remember that it was Chloe who calmly took over and helped and comforted Jama when Jama had gotten her first period.
You always manage to sum my characters up so wonderfully...

She was probably a lot more worried about her father's grief afterwards.
Could be. I never thought about that way, but it makes sense since I’ve already said his kids were very worried about him.

For Claire it's been different, I think. I think she has doubted herself a lot more. She may have doubted her own talents, her own beauty, her own worth.
Yes, she has. But a great deal of that had to do with Alex.

No doubt her very bad experience with that creep of a boyfriend, Alex, has done a lot to damage Claire's self-confidence.
Yes, it has. But she will have a lot of love to help her get it back.

Well, back to Chloe. I admit I was surprised at her pregnancy, given the fact that I think of Chloe as basically an obedient and responsible girl.
Well, as you know, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go with that. In fact, I’d pretty much decided not to. But then, the idea of Alex having affected her too was very appealing. (Thank Olympe for the dance with Alex.)

I very much like the idea that now that Chloe has defied her father once and had sex with Ben, she is not going to be as obedient as she once was. Because the experience has changed her. It has deepened her love for her boyfriend, and already she has come to love having sex with him.
Definitely changing her in oh, so many ways.

Huh? Wait - Ching is there? Can't you just kill him off? *lol* sorry... I don't like the guy...
Wish I could... Better not...

They're all doing it like rabbits over there *lol*

I started reading and then had to zip through cause I got called to do some tech support and it's likely going to take most of the rest of this evening. I won't be able to concentrate enough on anything other than this customer... *sigh* Sorry...
Isn’t it fun being on call? Do you have to do that all night, too? And let me guess - you have to do it in French and English, right?

Thanks, guys.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~