Huh? Wait - Ching is there? Can't you just kill him off? *lol* sorry... I don't like the guy...

“~Yes, Edrika. But is there any chance you could be pregnant?~”
They're all doing it like rabbits over there *lol* -- I was going to ask for a list of the pregnant women, but can we have a list of the women that aren't pregnant, it might be shorter. *lol* wink

Oi... not much time for feedback. frown I started reading and then had to zip through cause I got called to do some tech support and it's likely going to take most of the rest of this evening. I won't be able to concentrate enough on anything other than this customer... *sigh* Sorry...

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies