Here you go... I seriously hope that I will manage to wrap Clark and Becca's story up now. It really is about time, I think.
Oh, come on, Barbara. I’m not sure this kind of story can be ‘wrapped’ up. It’s just all too sweet.

I love the titles you come up with. (And I wrote that before I read Ann's feedback. Hey, you could always try to prononce 'supercalafragilisticexpialadocious'!

he forgot about the problems he had had in the run-up.
I lost you here. Run-up? What do you mean?

They would take them to the Smithsonian Institute in Metropolis.
Cute. The Smithsonian in Metropolis.

She had to find something soon, else her savings would melt like snow in the sun.
I know the feeling, Lois.

Clark turned incredibly pale at the sight of the unfriendly woman seated in front of his desk.
Oh, no! Not the social worker again. Or is that the principal?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~