And I have to tell you I love the title of your story.
I'm not sure I agree, let's see what the future brings. In fact I'm a bit afraid of the title and not only because "Serendipitous" is even more difficult to pronounce than "immediately". (It took us 45 minutes to wrap our tongue around that word. wink )

Back in the present, I quite agree with Maria that I would like to see Clark suggesting to Lois that she could stay with him in his apartment!
Hehehe! I bet you do! peep sorries... it's all Lois' fault, she started begging and then, what was I supposed to do? Not let Clark go down to her room? I'm much to scared of Mad Dog Lane to do that to her! *lol* </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I agree with you Lara, you just couldn't let her wait for Clark. I wouldn't have wanted to wait either, if I was Lois.

Excellent part. (I miss Becca a little, though... hehehe!)
Come on, Lara, you've already read the parts with her, so honestly, why do you complain, huh? devil

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. You made my day! Really! I'll be back as soon as I can.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool