Thanks to LaraMooon for being my beta-reader. You really do a great job, girl!
blush mmm... only when I don't promise I'll look at your story and end up working on an nfic instead... peep sorries... it's all Lois' fault, she started begging and then, what was I supposed to do? Not let Clark go down to her room? I'm much to scared of Mad Dog Lane to do that to her! *lol*

I know I've told you a million times before, but I'm going to repeat so everyone knows. wink I *love* your A-plot. Love them! Totally!! There's anough clues for us to figure some things out that Lois and Clark don't understand, yet enough to keep us guessing as well. And to me, that makes the best stories. I like mysteries. And what I like above all is not being able to figure things out so quickly that it spoils the story - you, my friend, keep me guessing right up until the end every time and I just plain love that!!

Excellent part. smile (I miss Becca a little, though... hehehe!)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies