Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I was kind of visualising the classrooms at the high school where I went to, which were pretty much enclosed so Superman would have to burn through a wall or some glass first to shoot inside. I guess I should have described the layout of the room first.

So, I figured a gunman would panic at a gun melting for no apparent reason and start shooting people. The stupid yell was just to make sure he shot at the right person. I figured if he was going to be shot anyways, the secret would be out regardless.

Actually, that was the tricky part. I had to devise a plot where

1.Jonathan got shot
2.The secret is out
3. #1 and #2 is the only way or else someone dies.

Hence the weird plot. (dud bomb, multiple gunmen, shooting begins in 5 minutes) Best I could come up with though frown Getting around Superman showing up to save the day is tricky...