I think I am responsible for this part, if not, I enjoyed reading it anyway...

It had eaten up a fairly substantial chunk of Wells’ time recently – going around trying to undo and fix some of the things that had happened to Clark. The worst ones were when he died – or even worse, when Lois died. That was always the most traumatic.

Herb was getting really tired of ‘fixing things’ and putting things back the way they were supposed to be. Or at least the way *he* knew them to be. It had been hard enough to stay on top of Tempus – staying on top of all of these authors was proving to be much more difficult.
Loved this story. H. G. Wells, patron saint of Lois and Clark, in all of their incarnations...

I also liked the sections that seemed to refer to Wendy and Tank.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!