Well hello everyone! <g>

Yes, Woody, I thought Dr. Friskin might be able to help me, but do you know that she refused to treat me? I mean, can you imagine? <g> Good, glad I was able to pull that "bluff" about it being a dream. If Tank doesn't mind me writing a sequel, I'll give it some consideration laugh Thanks for the comments!

Hi Terry!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence. I think Tank might at least find a way to keep Lois around for a while. <g> I'm glad you approved of Wells. Once I had written part 1 (before I posted it) I thought to myself - ok, this has to have a semi-logical conclusion to it...even if it is a bit of silliness. And the Wells ending is what popped into my head. Then I just had to figure out how to get there. <g> But don't you dare get rid of your angsty wip! No way! I don't think even Wells would be evil enough to impose Lex or Tempus on any of us writers. wink And "Kerth quality"? Wow! Thanks Terry!

Hi Jojo! Poor Jojo. No freckle yet. laugh You can always go to the motivational poster thread and stare at Lara's "lollipop" poster. <g> Thanks for the fdk - glad you enjoyed it.

Hi there Jessi! I'm glad to know that this story has such a promising "repeat" read - I'm tickled pink. And, yeah, me too. Wells may come and drop a house on me, but I love my angst. laugh Thanks!

Thanks Yvonne! Glad you enjoyed it!

Hi Lisa! Thank you! Happy you liked it.

Hi Doublel - yes, I get a little goofy on Nyquil but my dreams aren't ever that good. goofy And, oh god, I know Dean has said he's read one or two fanfics in the past (I think back when the series was still on) but no -- as Sue is fond of saying... "I'd freak twice and die" if I knew he read anything of mine. blush

Hi Tank!

I have to say that I too, did not see Well's inclusion into this fic. That was clever.
goofy Thanks for the fdk, Laura, so glad you enjoyed it!

Hi Ambar! I'm glad it gave you the giggles. It certainly did me, while I wrote it. It has to be the most fun I've had writing a story.

Thank you all so much for all the comments and laughs. It was a fun ride!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.