Thanks, Ann, Caro, Stuart, Maria, and Mellie

Hmmm. If he hurt her a little (and if he managed to have intercourse with her at all) then she can't have been invulnerable at that time.
Well, as I mentioned earlier in the story when Caitlyn noted that folks were meant to have sex - Kryptonian or not, I just figured she still might have a little pain the first time, but umm... yeah, more on that later.

“No. Her dad tried to get my dad charged with statutory rape. He was seventeen. The only reason he wasn’t charged was because mom begged… and because they got married.”
That’s not a ‘law’ thing. I based that more on the family dropping the charges.

Poor Ben. But I wish Chloe had said that she misses her Mom, too.
Oh, she does, but she just wanted to listen to Ben’s feelings at that time.

It really was the red Kryptonite!!! (Poor Jon - but it would have been fun to see him giggling.)
Well, I told Mellie I might have to write a little fic about that. I just might have to do it.

Hey, Bruce, Hanna is saving her innocence for Jon! Don't you criticize her for getting married early.
True. He just worries about his ‘baby’.

I think that really can happen. A colleague of mine taught a twenty-eyar-old who was really overweight and not too bright. One morning she had some terrible cramps, so she went to the hospital. "Are you pregnant?" they asked her. "No," she said. "I've had all my periods." "Well, you're pregnant all the same. You can start pushing now!" And a few hours later she had given birth to a daughter!
Yes, it can happen....

Ben doesn't know about Beth's superpowers?
Oh, Ben knows about his mom’s ... but he doesn’t know about Chloe’s yet.

Kid brother is named Al? hehehe! After the butler? Ok, this is just too cute, really. Cause, you know... Alfred rocks!
Well, Alfred is like a father to Bruce, so I thought it made sense.

Wait, I thought Caitlyn knew? ...ah...
Not about Bruce. Well, at least not then.

Looking forward to some more as this is getting better by the posting.
Oh, wow, Stuart, you just don’t know how much you have made me smile!

Clark should sit down and talk with his kids.
Yes, something will come out about that.

As they say, I guess we hurt the ones we love. And now… I wonder if some of their problems aren’t from something else… some of his…
Nocturnal activities?
Something to do with a bat...

Guess who's in for a surprise?
Big surprise.

Hmmm. Bruce is really injured. Well, when Nurse Nancy writes the story, we shouldn't complain if we get to see a lot of injuries.
Yes, I realized that, too. Naturally, I'm doing my best to influence her to keep the Kents healthy, and what does she do? Make Caitlyn work on Bruce.
Well, after I deal with Los, I’ll try to keep the Kents healthy... rotflol

Thanks, guys!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~