Nice chapter, Nancy!

As they say, I guess we hurt the ones we love. And now… I wonder if some of their problems aren’t from something else… some of his…
Nocturnal activities? laugh

Caitlyn nodded. “Yes, I remember hearing about someone shooting him. I guess he understands a lot of what Clark is going through.” She pouted. “Well, on second thought, I don’t guess he knows about Clark.”
Guess who's in for a surprise? eek

It has 137 rooms.. official rooms anyway
I love this bit about 'official rooms'. There sure are some inofficial ones, too.

Hannah said excitedly, “Daddy’s Batman.”

Tom looked at her in shock. “You *know*?! I didn’t think you knew.”

Hannah muttered, “Well, have I got a surprise for you… Robin.”
Yeah, quite a surprise! Fine little intra-family revelation.

Oh, a little excerpt from Ann's feedback:
Hmmm. Bruce is really injured. Well, when Nurse Nancy writes the story, we shouldn't complain if we get to see a lot of injuries.
Yes, I realized that, too. Naturally, I'm doing my best to influence her to keep the Kents healthy, and what does she do? Make Caitlyn work on Bruce. wink

“I gave him a little Valium. I’m reluctant to give him more. My big, strong husband’s blood pressure tends to drop easily.”
Funny little tidbit of information. It's a good thing we FoLCs are all good people, though.

Caitlyn grinned. “Yes, I’m sure if you have had this happen before, then you know you are going to have to take things very easy for a while. But on the up side, that means you can come with your wife and kids to Kentucky over the weekend.”
Well, Caitlyn sure knows when to ask something like that. As if Bruce could not agree in this situation...


“Yeah, well, mountain climbing will do that. I don’t think it’ll be too big a problem. It’ll be a best seller regardless of when it finally comes out. But I’m hoping for Christmas time. Three books this year would be great. You’re the best, Clark. The absolute best.”
Three books in one year? Ah, typing at super-speed. That's unfair!


“I.. uh… wondered if you might want to… you know… again. I mean it’s been awhile, but… Hmm… I have protection this time.”
This time? shock

They walked into his room and tumbled on the bed. He started to turn off the light. She smiled and said, “Leave it on, Ben. The last time we did this, it was in the back of your car and it was dark. I want to see things this time.”
Can I have a peek, too?


Jon bit his lip in thought. “Yeah. Maybe. I remember I got a fit of the giggles. I couldn’t stop. Mary broke up with me over that - no great loss though. I giggled and giggled and giggled. I think that must have lasted for a couple of days. I got in trouble at school, too.”
I giggled and giggled, too.


He shook his head no. “No, it won’t. I want my beautiful wife in my bed with me. And Marilyn, if I have to tell you one more time that I did not marry you to provide me with medical care or to give me babies, I might have to shake you. I love you!”
I soooo love this declaration! blush

“Well… I don’t know. I mean, just earlier this evening you were eating chocolate ice cream topped with pickle relish.” His look was one of disgust. “That would seem to be indicative of something like a pregnancy.”

She giggled. “Oh, Ben. You worry too much. I haven’t missed any periods, so how could I be pregnant?”
I think that really can happen. A colleague of mine taught a twenty-eyar-old who was really overweight and not too bright. One morning she had some terrible cramps, so she went to the hospital. "Are you pregnant?" they asked her. "No," she said. "I've had all my periods." "Well, you're pregnant all the same. You can start pushing now!" And a few hours later she had given birth to a daughter!
Good point. You can start pushing NOW, indeed! How can someone miss all the signs, even if she doesn't miss her period?

She abruptly sat up and started dressing quickly. “Your mom’s home. Get dressed!”

“She’s not due home for a couple hours. I don’t hear anything.” He lay back on the bed.

Chloe hissed, “I’m telling you she’s home.”
A discrete use of super-hearing...
When Ben heard his mom’s voice calling for him and Chloe, he got out of bed and began dressing. He looked at Chloe with an odd look. “How’d you get completely dressed that fast?” She shrugged but felt unable to tell him about herself at this very moment.
...and super-speed!

She looked between the two of them and said crisply, “Kitchen. Now!” She turned and walked out of the room.
I wonder what she saw. confused


“~Well, it’s a little thing… But you know, we don’t know how long we will be here… and well, Rya has this romantic notion. She wants us to be able to make love on this planet. And well… We were wondering…~”
Romantic? I don't think 'romantic' is the term I'd have used. But I'm not the guy in love, so be it!

Los smiled. “~So you really want to do this, huh?~” She nodded eagerly. He looked at the ceiling and shook his head. “~Let me see how you are doing.~” When he was done examining her, he sighed. “~Yes, you are healing much faster than you normally would.~” He looked at his brother, then back at Rya. “~Okay, but gently. *Very*, very gently.~”
Is Los actually trying to soften his brother up? Putting K'al in a good mood doesn't sound like a stupid idea...


K’al smiled. “~I take it you want to do this now?~” Mari and Los both nodded eagerly.
I can imagine *how* eagerly...

“~I’m not sure why you are in such a hurry, but okay…

Can't wait for more. :p

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)