Well, I'm reading on the nfic side because I don't want to miss anything since you write such great nfic, but I think you should keep posting it here, too. Bandwidth is cheap! Besides, this storyline is going to have a lot of gfic, not to mention angst!
So I'll post some real feedback here. Yes, I can totally relate to the whole camping, mountain, riding in the back of the hot van thing. We live near the Sierra Nevada in California and have done our share of camping and driving 4 wheel on dirt roads, some single lane (always exciting, that!).
Hubby never gets lost because he does always know where North is (great line, that). He's part Native American and there is a compass in his head. I've done my share of orientering and am pretty good with a map and landmarks. But a big city girl like Lois is going to be totally out of her league.
Great dialog between the two.
Keep it coming.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis