Thank you all so much! I'm so glad you are liking it. I've never let any of my fiction writing to be read by more person, so I'm glad that it's being well received.

Indeed the angst is well on it's way. I'm too impatient to dally along too much before getting down to business... angel-devil

You guys completely made my day by responding. I hope I can keep up to your expectations!

I'm not necessarily a "cute" person myself--but I take it as a compliment, SuperRoo. I love ravens as well, and "Smirky" is a nickname I've had for some long has a nice snap to it, I think.

I'm just wrapping up a few things for the next chapter. I'm planning on sleeping on it, reading through it quickly in the morning to make sure everything's ship-shape, and then posting it sometime in the mid-morning (for me).

Thank you all so much!

Smirk the Raven