You have such great imagery:

like fate had decided to toss a steaming mass of overcooked spaghetti into the too-small strainer of her life.
it was just that Lois was one of those gifted people that could be crossing a street, get knocked from behind by a random-passing android-disguised as a human woman, fall down and lose her memory only to be brought to a doctor that was trying to brain-wash their patients as assassins.
And that that second one is really funny. smile

She watched for a minute before looking back at Glutwich, her smile vanishing behind a glare. To think that the sour woman probably spent her free hours here staring at Superman’s rescues whenever they came up on the screen. She probably lived just to see those short glimpses on the TV, but was smart enough not to show it in front of her. Lois’s blood turned bitter. How dare the woman! She was old enough to be his grandmother.
Classic unreasonable Lois.

He straightened, and Lois went very, very still as she blinked down the barrel of a gun.
Wow, that was a quite a sudden turn.

Very interesting beginning.

lisa in the sky with diamonds