Just out of curiosity, Dandello, I was wondering how you came up with the title Plane Storm for this fic. It's kind of interesting, and I was wondering if it might/might not have something to do with foreshadowing at this point--or something to do with what happened to bring "Charlie" and "Wanda" to LnC-World--like a storm and lightning hitting the same airplane flight in both worlds at the exact same time or something.

Or, oooooh, could it be "plane" like as in "astral plane," meaning that there's some sort of storm going on between planes of existence?

Sorry, I'm a bit of a busybody. If something involving the title's significance will come up in a future chapter, just tell me to shut up with my speculation for now.

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place