Ann! smile Glad you liked this part, thanks for the comments!

I wish I'd noticed the comments earlier -- I'm sitting here in a hotel room in Paris and I'm still kinda jet-lagged. Actually, I don't know for sure what day this is anymore. But, hey, I got to see Jim Morrison's grave today, so I'm a happy camper here. wink (and I'm off topic, too. LOL!)

[...] and I don't have that much time now, either.... frown
Hummm... Judgeing by the length of this comment, I'm really wondering how long it might have been if you actually did *have* time. LOL!

Ah Lara, I think you are being a little mean now, rubbing in Lois's galactic stupidity.
Nah! I only remind her of it cause I care for her. hehehehe!

Not the Who, Lois. The Wizard.
Oh, geez, I fell over laughing. The Who. HAHAHAHA! (could have been The Guess Who, even. LOL!)

Aha, there's going to be a JLA-fest here! (Oh, and the AC that I couldn't identify last time, and who turned out to be Aquaman. Well, Aquaman was never much of a favorite of mine, but I do seem to remember that his name was Arthur... Arthur...Arthur Curry, perhaps?)
Yeps. Arthur Curry. You're like a walking encyclopedia of DCU knowledge, aren't you? smile Aquaman is merely making a guest appearance. But Flash you'll see more of, though. Just cause I love that guy. hehe!

Ahhh... hmmm.... a while ago I needed to google the word "cojones", and... well. Well, I was just thinking... seeing that you don't write nfic and all....? (But of course, that was just Jimmy. You can't be responsible for what he is thinking, can you? laugh )
Humm.. saying that the guys has conjones just means he has "balls" - as in he's brave or courageous. It's not supposed to mean that Jimmy noticed how well hung the guy is. LOL! I might, though. hahaha!

And as to nfic... ya know... that scene at the end that I'm working on, it might turn into it. We'll see. Although, I'd need help for that cause I have no idea what the proper words are in English. Seriously.

Ahem.... sorry, but I distinctly remember a comic book story where Superman and the Flash had a race, and the Flash won.
I remember a story were neither won, myself. But it doesn't really matter because in that point in time, the race has not happened yet. I won't promise that it will, but it might happen in part 8. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies