Wait, Lois... Didn't you have a crush on A.C (aka Aquaman). No... Ooops... Wrong Lois. laugh
hehehehehehe! wink You know, if I hadn't seen that ep of Smallville, I don't think Aquaman would even be in this story. I hadn't planned on it at all at first, but then I got the DVDs and... well... and that guy was just way too good looking, btw. LOL!

I'm so glad you liked the little scene right outside the storage room. Yay! smile

You're going to wrap this up in one part? I already hear myself screaming sequel!!
Hehehe - /me thinks you're likely to get your wish.

One thing is for sure, though: there's going to be a prequel. A good part of it is already written. It's called "All Wired Up". I think with just the title you can pretty much figure what's going to be in that one. wink

Although, before I get to those, I've got a little thing called "Back in Black" that I need to work on and another which is likely to be titled "To Be A Hero" - I think you can also pretty much figure out what these are going to be.

I'm amazed at how many ideas pop into my head all the time now. It used to be I would sit there and try to think of something to write about and end up depressed cause I couldn't find anything - and now I haven't finished one story that I've already got 4 more waiting to be worked on. Well, five, actually, but I'm not telling what the fifth one is. wink

I'm so glad I stumbled onto this community, you really have NO idea. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies