This is cute, Lara, in a way that most L&C stories are not. (Before anybody flames me, that's just an observation!) The inclusion of LiveWare and the Weather Wizard is a very inventive idea, as well as bringing in the Flash and his wife. The only thing I ask of you (no, I beg of you!) is PLEASE don't bring in the monkey!

Actually, Jay Garrick was the original Flash from back in the 1940's. He ran around in a winged silver helmet, wore no mask, and vibrated his head so that no one could get a good look at or a clear picture of his features. Seems like that would have given him a serious headache, but that's how it was explained. He was a member of the Justice Society, along with a number of other DC heroes from the same time frame.

And I distinctly recall a race around the entire world between Superman and Flash (back around 1965 or so) where two sets of gamblers had bet heavily on each hero, so the heroes decided to make the race a dead heat. That way all the prize money was split between all the various charities they were sponsoring, and the gangsters got nothing.

Of course, that didn't settle the question of which one was faster.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing