Okay, I'm back. Nice part, but I missed Clark!!

Awww.... Poor Lois....
When Jimmy came in the newsroom, several hours later, he found Lois sitting on the floor in a corner of the conference room. She had her arms crossed over both knees and her forehead resting on her arms. Something must have really upset her, he thought, because there was an empty box of Kleenex on a nearby chair and several used tissues littered on the floor.

Well, yeah, the guy I love just left, Jimmy....
He kneeled next to her. "Lois," he said, concerned, "is something wrong?"

Got a little crush on that girl, Jimmy?
He'd better not find out that some jerk had hurt her, because he'd hunt him down and... well, something like that.

Enquired should be inquired.

Lois *Lame*.

I noticed this type of thing several times.
I... huh...."
The better 'word' is uh. Huh means what - as in "What?" 'Uh' signifies a speech pause.

Well, this oughta prove to everyone right away that Supes is innocent.
Suddenly, an enormous black cloud formed over the city. By the time people started noticing its presence, it was already raining over downtown Metropolis. It wasn't just a pleasant little spring shower, either; this was a downpour of cataclysmic proportions.

Not true, oh, dear Flash. Superman is faster than you, and they said so in the comics. So there!
"I wish you'd quit trying to think faster than I do, it's the only race you'll never win..."

When you mention these other characters, please explain them. As far as I knew the Flash was with some STAR Labs scientist named Tina. (That was on the TV show.) I barely knew who Iris was.

Who's Mardon?
Besides, I can fax her my notes on Mardon,
I think this is Aquaman? (But only 'cause I remember him on Smallville.) I remember watching the Aquaman cartoon as a child, but I never followed the comics.

See if you can't get A.C. as
And as for the Flash: This is the only indication that we get as to who you are talking about. (I picked it up, but those totally unfamiliar with the Flash probably wouldn't have.

"Ok, well I'll be in Metropolis in a flash,"

More soon please. And I want my Clark!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~