Thanks guys! (girls..!!)

I was "kinda" (read very..) depressed last night - what with all the things that have been going on this week that are just plain no fun - and I had just about convinced myself I'd scared off all my readers with this crazy A-plot. frown

Did noone catch my lil joke? Am I going to be stuck with all the brownies I made? LOL! wink


Hey Nancy! Thanks for enlightening me about the use of certain words. It's *always* appreciated!

...I miss Clark, too, btw. wink He'll be back real soon.

Not true, oh, dear Flash. Superman is faster than you, and they said so in the comics. So there!
hehehe - well at that point in "my" timeline, that race hasn't happened, so I just figured they don't know.

Also... I did it on purpose not to mention people's names. Maybe that was totally wrong? I figured people who knew them would figure it out - people who don't will find out all about them in the next part. I like being surprised, wondering things are going when I read stories, trying to figure things out while I'm reading it. I guess I tend to do it while I'm writing too...

I will post a complete list of all my supporting characters. And a list of all the silly little puns and inside jokes that I've added all through the story. wink Some of them are so lame, it's no wonder they go unnoticed. Well, that or they're too obscure, which is quite possible, too.


Ann! I knew since you seem to read comics a lot that you'd pick up on some of these things. smile

Do you know that Barry Allen, the original Flash, was the first of DC's heroes to get married? And his wife was named Iris, Iris Allen. But can you believe that he hadn't told her that he was the Flash?
I love Flash. Hehehe! And while normally, I think I'm wrong using Barry Allen (instead of Wally West, probably - although to me the "real" Flash will always be Barry!) I needed to have him for a couple reasons, including the fact that it made it possible for me to use Iris. wink

The thing I liked about Iris is that she's a reporter (!) and she figured out a long time ago that Barry is Flash - way before he ever had the nerve to tell her. I liked that contrast cause Lois... well... it takes her forever to figure it out. wink

Sorry Lois, I know you'll be peeved when you figure out Iris knows about Clark, too... (I'm kinda expecting her to come right out of the page and slap me!)

AC is Aquaman, yep. smile Could come in handy if the city is flooded, right?

Aaaaahhhh... going to steal a bit of the punch here, but Superman and Flash and Aquaman -- bring them together and you've got some of the building blocks of a little thing called Justice League. (which you might also have seen in a TV cartoon that used to be called.... "Super Friends" - hence "I'm going to need all the super friends I can get" laugh )

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies