Now that Lois has left the wilderness, she certainly isn't ignoring the sweets, is she?

“This is what I want you to do, Herbert George Wells. First, I want to go visit this other universe and meet the other Lois. Secondly, I want you to take me back to the day *after* I disappeared so I can tell my mother that I’m going to be missing for three years and not to drink herself to death. Thirdly, I want you to take me to see my sister Lucy the day *before* her plane crash. I’m going to find some excuse to keep her from boarding that plane."
Goodness, Lois. You don't want much, do you? But Herb should know that once a Lois fixes her mind on something, there is no stopping it. Like a freight train! But I am suprised that Herb is going to let her change history.

<Oh, poor Clark. He’s lost his parents, Lana, and now *his* Lois is …large.>
Well, that's rude! I would have thought that marriage to Clark would have made Lois see past things like that! She should feel nothing but happiness that Alt-Lois was found alive and well.

“Clark isn’t in love with me, Lois. He’s been looking for you for at least a year. You’re *his* Lois. Meeting me just made him realize that his high school sweetheart was way wrong for him. You are the only one that can complete him, trust me.”
OK, Lois is forgiven. smile And her telling Alt-Lois that some issues are internal was good, too.

I like the way you did Alt-Lois' time travel as a flashback. Will we get to see what else happened on the trip?

lisa in the sky with diamonds