Yes, the alt-Lois brought it up the weight issue first, but our Lois thought about it before alt-Lois ever said a thing. That's what I meant by saying that I didn't think our Lois would be this shallow:

Would Lois really think this??

<Oh, poor Clark. He’s lost his parents, Lana, and now *his* Lois is …large.>
Somehow, I don't imagine Lois to be this shallow.

Yes, they did launch right into the overweight conversation, but I guess I'm not sure that would be the first thing that the alt-Lois would have brought up. I sure wouldn't have. In addition, it seemed to not be friendly enough or warm enough. I'd like to see a little more emotion in the conversation.

As for this:

if you were thin and beautiful and you met your twin and she was overweight, wouldn't there be a part of you that would wonder if your boyfriend/husband would still love you if you suddenly gained weight?
Gosh, I don't know, but yeah, I guess I would. I've been thin and beautiful, and I've been overweight. I'm not sure I'd like to 'meet' the other version of myself. I'm pretty sure that if the BBW me met the TBW me that the BBW me surely wouldn't bring up the weight issue right off. I'd say something else first, but I'm not the one writing the story.

Looking forward to more. Hope you didn't mind the email.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~