I actually have not seen more than a scattering of episodes of Smallville -- though it's next in my Netflix queue after Lois and Clark so that will change in the near future. I originally, very deliberately, did NOT get involved in Smallville because I watched the pilot and figured the show was doomed to fail. The sets sucked, the pilot's plot wasn't very good, and if I recall correctly it was in a very bad timeslot. I think my exact forecast was "thirteen episodes and it'll die an unlamented death." I should dig up that blog post just for kicks. *LOL*

So much for my psychic abilities. *LOL* Now that it's up to several seasons I suppose I should watch it ...

Wellings is rather yummy -- he might be the reason the show survived. wink


Originally posted by Classicalla:
As to the name, Bill Smith, - his middle name is Clark. Leave it. After all, if he was raised by someone else, it makes sense that his name would be different. That doesn't change who he is.

I don't think there was ever an IQ or anything about him being really smart ever mentioned on the show - other than him being able to speak lots of languages and order food in even more languages.

The comics have (you know how often they change, though) have said that he was a 4.0 student and very smart.

That's one thing I don't like about Smallville - Clark should be excelling in school. All Clark's should excel in school. Anyone who has a photographic memory and can read that fast should do well in school. Maybe the Smallville Clark doesn't know that yet.... (And off topic, doesn't Tom Welling just have the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen?)