Is this post-Luthor? Because that's one fun burn if it is!!


As we begin to dance I have a moment of longing for Clark.
Awwwww... I love this little moment. That's such a great detail to pop in, especially after the juxtaposition of how they both dance!


“I did think you’d be more upset though,” he continues when I don’t react.
I’m completely lost now.
Oh, noooooo.... Clark, wait, stop... thud

“I should have expected this,” he says sadly.
Are we having two completely different conversations about opposite topics?
I really love how long this conversation goes on! He's so resigned!

I remind myself that there are two fragile hearts involved, even if one is made of steel, and our conversation tonight could break either one.
This is so beautifully phrased!

This was such a sweet, sweet piece of writing! The lack of 'villains' can always be a challenge to write, but this had plenty of conflict as Lois, and Clark, too, battled their own worries! I love any scene where they dance together, so this was such a treat!

I'm glad you enjoyed the fic! Sometimes the lack of villains is wonderful for some great moments between them, and let's face it, they can be their own villains sometimes.