“Please, Lois.”
Bahahaha. With absolutely no context, I already love where this is going.

“Perry hasn’t told you what night it is yet,” Clark helpfully points out.
jawdrop Whose side is he on, anyway!?!

“I’ve done that before and it’s not anything to get excited about,” I quickly interrupt Perry.
Is this post-Luthor? Because that's one fun burn if it is!!

“Then what’s the issue?” eggs on Clark.
What is he going to get out of this? lol

...and turn to face Jimmy, who has taken a page out of Clark’s book and vanished.
Speaking of sick burns, this is hilarious!!!

We are so far apart, you could have parked a city bus between us.

Why is this weird? We’ve danced before, albeit for one song and it was less dancing and more floating. It had been a highlight of my year, that short moment of intimacy that I rarely share with anyone.
Except Clark.
Oh, and that's a palpable hit! There's so much packed into these lines!

Though… Clark is a good dancer.
I love the way that this just occurs to her! rotflol

Some days it feels as though I can say anything to him, ask him any favour I can think of, and he’ll calmly say ‘ok.’
If she only knew!! This detail so well captures their relationship!

I should go get a glass of water, step away from Clark, but I can’t.
“Again?” Clark asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
I can’t find my voice and nod instead. He hits play on the stereo, takes my hand, and before I can come to my senses and object, I’m in his arms again as the music begins.
Oh, wow! Steamy and magnetic!

As we begin to dance I have a moment of longing for Clark.
Awwwww... I love this little moment. That's such a great detail to pop in, especially after the juxtaposition of how they both dance!

The music ends as Superman, to my surprise, dips me, much like Clark had done. Curiously, Superman looks a little startled, as though he hadn’t intended to, as that wasn’t the rehearsed ending to the dance, just something Clark and I had done.
Ope! Someone got carried away!

“I did think you’d be more upset though,” he continues when I don’t react.
I’m completely lost now.
Oh, noooooo.... Clark, wait, stop... thud

“I should have expected this,” he says sadly.
Are we having two completely different conversations about opposite topics?
I really love how long this conversation goes on! He's so resigned!

I remind myself that there are two fragile hearts involved, even if one is made of steel, and our conversation tonight could break either one.
This is so beautifully phrased!

This was such a sweet, sweet piece of writing! The lack of 'villains' can always be a challenge to write, but this had plenty of conflict as Lois, and Clark, too, battled their own worries! I love any scene where they dance together, so this was such a treat!