Lynn, I've heard that one told about musicians who are slaved to the sheet music on the stand. And the chemist and the physicist and a bunch of others. But it's still good for a chuckle.

dcarson, I'm looking forward to retirement myself. More time to read and watch TV and movies and go to the senior center to exercise.

SimplyLnC, thank you for your kind words. AS people do well (as Lynn pointed out above) in jobs that are structured and fairly well scheduled. I know, programmers are either twiddling their thumbs waiting for the next assignment or drowning in production problems and looming deadlines and VPs who want stuff done Right Now! But it's better than door-to-door sales. I tried that when I was much younger and did not succeed.

I also want to thank everyone for reading, and especially everyone who has commented. Makes this old coder (I remember AutoCode on the IBM 1400 series!) feel kinda WAFFy.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing