@Dandello: I currently work in COBOL (yes, I'm a dinosaur) and both Microsoft and Athena SQL (on AWS). I have done some HTML for my own use, but nothing professionally. Oh, VB.net on BIDS for MSSQL 2008R2 creates a build. Sorry, no Perl or php so far. I'm having enough "fun" learning Python at my age. I still don't understand why Python doesn't do substrings instead of "sclicing" strings to get subvalues.

BP, I had totally forgotten about using Ralph Spagoda in my tale The Fellowship of the Fanfic (shameless plug). Thank you for the reminder.

Lynn, thanks for looking up Ralph's appearances in canon. I'll have to re-watch those eps to see him again. He's such good comic relief.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing