Lynn, it's true that programmers (I are one - oops, syntax error, build failed - I am one) don't socialize as much as other professions, but we still have to deal with users and managers. So yeah, there's some social interaction.

I cannot recall the story, but someone wrote a vignette giving Ralph the last name of Spagoda because Ralph's Pagoda was named in "Honeymoon in Metropolis." Clark puts Lois and her dyspeptic tummy on the couch as she names the restaurant and says she shouldn't have ordered sushi from it.

Folc4, thanks for the kind words. I've often wished that someone had diagnosed my condition way back when, but we can't rewrite our own pasts, just our characters'. I've often wished for a boss who was that compassionate.

I'm glad this found an audience. Thank you all.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing