Hey Terry,
wow, what an amazing, thoughtfull Story!
Like the others said, your writing makes it possible to give Ralph a deepr personality and reasons for his behaviour I never would have considered. That's so fascinating. Plus sharing a personal Background always needs some Courage, too.
Thanks for this informative and interesting take on a character no one thought had deserved it.
PS I agree with Lynn and bakasi on the issue of talking in a Group with more People. I also often don't know when to speak, either I'm interupting someone or the Topic is over unless I come to say anyting. That can be quite frustrating, especially now in time of home-university learning. Plus, my inability so work with visual/Body communication doesn't help here. I'm also not a Party Person, my Hearing dificulties don't make that easier, too.. I often don't realize someone is talking to me and there are a lot of (acustical) misunderstanding and that's quite anoying for both parties.
So yes, comunication via Internet seems often easier.
And it's true that (willingly or not) People deal different with you wether they know your diaabilities or not. ctually see that a lot during my uni courses. Though it has to be said that, like everything in life, there are always two sided of the coin.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.