Originally Posted by Blueowl

So good. Jonathan is such an awesome dad, and the scenes captured him perfectly. And that school 'fight'. I couldn't help but feel angry for the Kents. Too often that sort of thing happens in real life! Grr. Glad Martha straightened out those stupid people. I so wish she was real... I'd vote for her :P

Hi, Blueowl. Yeah, I hate that, too, which is why I wrote it that way. Martha and Jonathan may have a mild-mannered appearance, but they are warriors inside. Mama and Papa Bear Kent protecting their cub.

Funny you should mention voting for Martha. In one draft of this story, I had her running and winning the position of school board president after turning down the presidency of the PTA. That may be part of another story in the series. I can just see her running on a common sense and kindness to children platform, and straightening out everyone. laugh

Originally Posted by Blueowl
Anyway, I really liked the explanation of where the child came from. That idea could easily become a fic on its own, and the side note of Nightfall in that universe..... *shivers*

Thanks for writing this ^_^

I'm glad you liked my explanation of the baby's origins. With so many versions out there, it's challenging to come up with a unique one. As far as a fanfic for that universe, yes I'm sure there are some possibilities. Maybe Lex and his ark survived, and possibly others with arks or bunkers, even if Kal-El thought the whole planet was gone. But, I'm not sure I would read let alone be able to write a story with that much tragedy, and little or no hope. [Linked Image]

You're welcome. And thank you for reading and commenting! hyper


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly