Ann, I'm so sorry that I've been so bad about posting FDK! blush My sister was visiting this weekend so we've been running all around! But you know how much I love this story!!!! laugh

Now, since I missed the chance to point this out in a previous part, I have to mention here my favorite line!!!

A red balloon, dark in the pale moonlight, lay half-buried under the snow, and a woman’s broken body lay sprawled beside it, her blood tracing a delicate calligraphy of love letters in the snow.
That's such a poetic line and every time I read it, I'm still just awed by its beauty. You have such a talent for writing beautiful imagery, which evokes a very specific mood and feeling! That whole scene - it's so painfully quiet, yet and has this haunted feel to it. Beautiful! Wow.. goofy

Anyway, thank you for sharing this! I know I enjoyed reading it!

NICOLE smile